Thursday 2 June 2011

Thursday 19th May 2011 - Montmartre, Les Halles de la Chapelle And Le Jardin de la Tuileries...... Again!

The usual start to the day in Au Gamin was followed by another vist to the Montmartre district but this time over towards the metro Abbesses and the Montmartre Cimitiére. The metro at Abbesses apparently is only one of three original art nouveau entrances designed by Hector Guimard.

One of only three original art nouveau metro entrances

Leaving the metro behind, I set off looking for the Moulin de la Galette. Upon finding it, after a fairly steep climb, I found out that it was in private ownership and a closer look was not possible. It appears that much renovation work is taking place which is undersatndable knowing that the mill was first built in 1622.

The Moulin de la Galette

A return to metro Abbesses was by way of Le Bateau-Lavoir where many famous artists lived and rented studios. The buildings around here then were so poorly built that they creaked and swayed in high winds. This reminded people of the washing boats on the Seine and hence the name - Le Bateau Lavoir (see ma French!!!).

Le Bateau Lavoir

Before descending into metro Abbesses, I popped in to L'Eglise de Saint Jean-de-Montmartre for a look around this interesting building. It is notable as it is the first example of reinforced cement in church construction. Completed in 1904, it was designed by architect Anatole de Baudot. The brick and ceramic tile-faced structure mixes Art Nouveau design with the structural qualities of reinforced concrete giving the church a feeling of lightness and transparency.

L'Eglise St Jean de Montmartre

Catching the metro once more, I went back to Chateau Rouge and set off walking along Rue Doudauville in search of Les Halles de la Chapelle - just off Rue de la Chapelle and near Max Dormay metro. (I know... I could have got the metro there but I wasn't sure of its exact location and I wanted a walk to explore the area better.) I was seeking out the market because Liz had said that it had just recently reopened having been refurbished and was also a good place for something to eat. It was still too early for lunch so I had a wander around the stalls before relaxing at a street café and watching the world go by.

Les Halles de la Chapelle

North African was the choice today and with the small restaurant opening at 1 o'clock, I returned to Les Halles and ordered a nice couscous with some mint tea. Very nice it was too and not too expensive.

I returned to Rue de la Chapelle and in a nice wee café on the corner of Rue Ordener had a glass of wine whilst deciding what to do that afternoon. It took me a while to make up my mind!!!!

Another afternoon relaxing in the sun once again in Le Jardin de la Tuileries was the result of all this cogitation and so I set off on the metro once again. What a life!!!!!

La Grande Allée

After a wee dozzzzzzze in the sun and it was back to Chateau Rouge once more. It can get awfully hot down in the metro and at rush hour with the crowds it can be uncomfortably so. So hot did I feel on the return journey that I had to get off at Gare du Nord just to cool down and then catch the next train.

Back at Rue Doudeauville it was a case of a shower and change of clothes before a wee daunder around past the Moulin Rouge and back before sitting down for a final wee drink in Au Gamin de Paris.

Got talking with a few folk, who by this time thought I was local, fortunately Erwan fae Bretagne could speak a little English so that helped the night move along. Soon,however, it was time for bed and bidding my new friends "Bon soirée!", I crossed the road for my last climb up those five flights. Thank God!!!

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